perm filename CACHE.IJC[AM,DBL] blob sn#449107 filedate 1979-06-08 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
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C00003 00002	\input randn.tex
C00042 00006	               \SSSEC{Extending a Schematized Representation}
C00071 00008	\NSECP{CACHING}
C00087 00009	\NSECP{Expectation-Filtering}
C00112 00011	\NNSECP{Acknowledgements}
C00122 00012	\NNSECP{References}
C00132 ENDMK
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 \ctrline{\:=in Artificial Intelligence Systems}

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{\:q Douglas B. Lenat, \ Computer Science Dept., \ Stanford University, \ Stanford, Ca. 

Frederick Hayes-Roth, \  Information Sciences Dept., \ The Rand Corporation, \ Santa Monica, \ Ca.

Philip Klahr, \ Information Sciences Dept., \ The Rand Corporation, \ Santa Monica, \ Ca.}

\vskip 11pt



Intelligent systems can explore only tiny subsets of their potential
external and conceptual worlds.  To increase their effective
capacities, they must develop efficient forms of representation,
access, and operation.  
In this paper we develop
several techniques which do not sacrifice expressibility, yet enable
programs to (semi-)automatically improve themselves and thus  increase
their productivity.
The basic source of power is the ability to predict the way that the program will
be used in the future, and to tailor the program to expedite such uses.
Caching, abstraction, and
expectation-simplified processing are principal examples of such
We discuss the use of these and other economic principles for modern AI systems.  Our
analysis leads to some counterintuitive ideas (e.g., favoring redundancy
over minimal storage in inheritance hierarchies).


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This is just a dummy sentence to yield a footnote for the acknowledgement.\foo{This
research was supported in part by the National
Science Foundation under grants MCS77-04440 and MCS77-03273.}

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When we build an AI program, we often find ourselves caught in a
tradeoff between expressibility and efficiency.
Many AI  researchers {\sl  cum} language  designers have  focused on  {\it 
expressibility},  the   problem   of  rapidly   constructing   a   working
experimental vehicle.
Four fundamental  techniques
utilized in highly {\it expressive} programs are:
({\it i}) reliance upon a very-high-level language,
({\it ii}) planning and reasoning at multiple levels of abstraction,
({\it iii}) inference by pattern-directed knowledge sources, and
({\it iv}) mi\-ni\-mal, nonredundant representation, as in a canonical
gene\-rali\-zation/spe\-ciali\-za\-tion hierarchy.

This paper addresses the second goal of AI programming,
{\it efficiency}: getting programs to use as few resources (time, space) 
as possible.
We present techniques which do not sacrifice expressibility, yet enable
programs to (semi)-automatically improve themselves and thus  increase
their productivity.
The basic source of power is the ability to predict the way that the program will
be used in the future, and to tailor the program to expedite such uses.

The traditional approach to program optimization has assumed that the
programmer characterizes the predicted program behavior (e.g., by explicitly
providing assertions) or that static analysis can identify significant
optimization opportunities.  Three types of methods for analyzing program
descriptions in this way include:
({\it i}) analyzing 
program flow and structure [{\it a la} Knuth and Dijkstra],
({\it ii}) designing data structures to be appropriate,
and ({\it iii}) compiling (as in the {\:c FORTRAN H} compiler) and optimizing
transformations of the program (as in 

We propose the use of methods more {\it dynamic} than these.  Rather than
improving the static description of a program, we advocate a {\it plastic} program
structure which adapts to its
operational environment.
We believe that a program's ``intelligence" can be increased in this way;
that is, by increasing its ability to
acquire  appropriate knowledge, to organize that knowledge, and to refine
the conditions under which that knowledge is recognized to be applicable.
For any fixed quantum of manpower resources we expend, there is a
limit to the size/complexity of programs which can be successfully implemented.
This barrier might be overcome by programs which are self-extending, which actively
reason --- and reprogram themselves ---
to enlarge their input domain, their capabilities.

%This may have to be moved a bit:

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Abilities which make a program {\it efficient} include:

\noindent $\bullet $ 
{\bf Dynamic self-monitoring} (the ability  to sense, record, and  analyze
dynamic usage)  {\bf  and  self-modification} (the  ability  to  use  that
knowledge   to   redesign/recompile    itself   with   more    appropriate
representations, algorithms, data structures; i.e., {\sl intelligent learning}.)

\noindent $\bullet $ 
{\bf Caching of computed results}
(storing the results of frequently-requested
searches, so they needn't be repeated over and over again; i.e.,
{\sl intelligent redundancy}.)

\noindent $\bullet $ 
{\bf Expectation-filtering}
(using predictions to filter away expected, unsurprising data,
thereby freeing up processing time for more productive subtasks;
i.e., {\sl intelligent focus of attention}.)


``{\it Cognitive economy}'' is the term  by which we describe such  heightened
Computer programs, no less than biological creatures, must perform 
in an environment: an externally imposed set of demands, pressures,
opportunities, regularities.
Extending this analogy, we find that
{\sl cognitive economy is the degree to which a program is adapted to its
environment}, the extent to which
its internal capabilities (structures and processes) accurately
and efficiently reflect
its environmental niche.

Notice that representing a corpus of knowledge as a  mi\-ni\-mal
(canonical)      gen\-erali\-za\-tion/spe\-ciali\-za\-tion hierarchy, with
interpretatively-com\-puted in\-he\-ri\-tance, is {\it  not} cognitively economical:
this technique
fa\-vors ex\-pres\-si\-bi\-lity,  compaction of  re\-pre\-sentation, at  the expense  of
performance. It is  true that  a  dog is a mammal,  and a  mammal is  an
animal, and from those two we could compute that a dog is an animal,
but it is more cognitively economical to store one redundant  arc
than to recompute it frequently.  Psychological studies
[3] indicate
just such redundancies being created in human memory.

Obviously, the economy of specific representations and related inference
methods depends heavily on underlying machine architectures and costs.  We
assume that intelligent systems aim chiefly to produce useful results
(e.g., novel hypotheses) as rapidly as possible.  In short, they should
search cleverly and fast.  But we are  advocating efficiency in {\it addition}
to, not in {\it lieu} of, expressibility (interpretability,
interruptibility, and modifiability). 
In typical situations, both efficiency
of compiled forms and accessibility to declarative forms are intermittently
needed.  These different needs point to the economic benefits of
simultaneously maintaining alternative and redundant representations.

Every scientific theory is  constructed in a  rich context of  surrounding
theories, methods,  and standards  determining which experiments  are
reasonable ones to perform and which point of view to take when  interpreting
the results  --- in short, a {\it paradigm}. We feel it useful
to articulate the ``core" of our paradigm (the assumptions our  theory
rests upon) before  delving into more detail about cognitive economy:

(i)  We  continually  face  searches  in  more  or  less  immense  spaces;
intelligence is the ability to bring {\it appropriate} knowledge to  bear,
to speed  up  such  searching.   Increasing  intelligence  then  comprises
increasing  knowledge, improving its  organization,  and refining the
conditions  for  its

Since we want intelligent systems  to access, 
reason about, and expand their own knowledge
bases, it is useful to represent such knowledge in a clean, modular form
(e.g., employing any one of the current schematized representations.)
Its {\it applicability} can be made
explicit by encoding it as condition-action (if/then) rules.  

(iii) Current computing technology presents us  with limited cycles, cheap  storage,
and expensive knowledge acquisition.  They are the symbol manipulators we use, but
were not designed for that purpose.


{\:d NOTE:  Due to IJCAI length limitations, the authors have been forced to eliminate
many sections of this paper; usually, at least their summaries remain. The complete
version can be obtained as [5].}


{\bf Summary:\  \sl
We illlustrate various ways in which a program might use to
advantage knowledge gleaned dynamically: selecting [6] (or perhaps even {\it 
discovering}) new data structures, representations, algorithms, etc. which
seem better suited to the current runtime environment, the current user, 
the current problem, etc.}

               \SSSEC{Extending a Schematized Representation}

For a schematized representation,\foo{Knowledge broken in pieces called
schemata, frames, concepts, beings, association lists,
units, scripts,... which in turn are merely collections of 
smaller pieces called properties, slots, facets, aspects.}
``extension" could
occur by defining
new types of slots.  The Eurisko program (succcesor to the AM 
program [4]) has this capability, and we
briefly describe how this mechanism was developed.
First, we isolated four ways in which new slots are defined from old

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\noindent {\bf STAR}  (e.g., Ancestor $=↓{df}$ Parent$↑*$ which means a Parent of a
Parent of... of a Parent of me; the general case should be aparent);

\noindent {\bf UNION} (e.g., Parent $=↓{df}$ Father $\union$ Mother); 

\noindent {\bf COMPOSITION}
(e.g., Cousin $=↓{df}$ Child$\circ$Sibling$\circ$Parent);

\noindent {\bf DIFFERENCE}
(e.g., RemoteAncestor $=↓{df}$ Ancestor -- Parent).

\parskip 10pt plus 2pt minus 1pt \lineskip 0pt

These four operators which define new types of slots 
($\,↑*,\  \union,\ \circ,\ $ --) are called {\it slot-combiners}.

Next, we added to AM's knowledge base a concept for each type of slot, and
a concept for each type of slot-combiner. Figure 1 shows part of the
Generalizations and Star concepts. Note in particular the way in which
Generalizations is defined as Genl$↑*$ --- i.e., immediate generalizations,
{\sl their} immediate generalizations, and so on. 



Finally, we modified the way in which slot entries are accessed.
To illustrate this, we choose a simple task in mathematics, whose paraphrase
is, ``What are all the generalizations of the concept `primes'?"  The
traditional way in which {\:d (GET PRIMES GENERALIZATIONS)} would work is
to examine the property list of {\:d PRIMES}, looking for the attribute
{\:d GENERALIZATIONS}; if found, the entries listed there would be returned.
Assume that there is no such property recorded for {\:d PRIMES}. If we looked,
we would find a property called
{\:d GENL} ({\it immediate} generalization), whose value would be
{\:d NUMBERS}. Similarly, the {\:d NUMBERS} concept has only a {\:d GENL} slot, 
the entry {\:d OBJECTS}.
Anyway, since there is no {\:d GENERALIZATIONS} attribute, 
the call upon {\:d GET} will
return {\:d NIL} (the empty list).

In Eurisko, we modified the
way in which any retrieval request of the form 
{\:d (GET C F)}
operates. In case the 
{\:d F}
 attribute of
{\:d C}
 has no entries (or doesn't exist),  we examine the definition of
{\:d  F}
and --- if one exists --- try to use it to compute the entries that could
legally be stored on the 
{\:d F}
 attribute of 
{\:d C}.  More precisely, before quitting
we try to 
{\:d (GET F DEFN),}
 and if that succeeds we apply it to 
{\:d C.}
Let's continue the example of 
 As we
stated in the last paragraph, there are none recorded. So 
{\:d GET}
 now calls itself
recursively; our original call is replaced by
But as Fig. 1 shows, there is no slot labelled 
{\:d DEFN}
 on the concept for
So we recur one more time. By now our call has become

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\ctrline{\bf FIGURE 1: Generalizations & Star & Defn concepts}

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Luckily, the {\:d DEFN} concept does have a 
{\:d DEFN}
 slot (see Fig. 1), so we end the recursion.
Applying the entry stored there to the argument ``{\:d GENERALIZATIONS},"
we see our original call becoming transformed into


{\:d \hjust{\hskip 10pt (GET GENERALIZATIONS BUILT-FROM))}}

{\:d \hjust{\hskip 4pt PRIMES]}}

We see from Fig. 1 that
the slot-combiner of Gene\-rali\-zations is ``Star,"
and the argument
(old slot) which it is built from is ``Genl."  So the entire call
shrinks into
The Star concept has an entry for its Defn slot;
it turns the preceding call into
{\:d (($\lambda$ (c) (CONS c (self (GET c GENL))))   PRIMES). }
This function first calls for 
 which is 
{\:d NUMBERS,}
 then calls
itself on 
{\:d NUMBERS;}
 that in turn calls for 
 which is
{\:d OBJECTS,}
 and calls itself recursively on 
{\:d OBJECTS;}
 that calls for
 which is 
 and the next recursive call terminates
when it is discovered that 
 has no 
{\:d GENL}
 (no immediate generalization.)
The list 
{\:d CONS}tructed and returned is thus 
These four items are the legal entries for the 
 slot of
{\:d PRIMES, }
according to the definition of 

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Notationally there is no distinction between slots which are ``primitive"
(values actually stored as attributes on a property list) and slots which
are ``virtual" (values must be computed using the slot's definition).
A heuristic might refer to the Generalizations of Primes without knowing,
or caring, whether that initiated a single access or a dizzy chase.

To define a new kind of slot, then, one need merely specify one of the
slot-combiners  and list the old pre-existing slots from which it is built.
Thus we might define a new slot, by creating a new concept (calling it,
``{\:d DG}"), filling its
Slot-combiner slot with the entry ``Difference", filling its 
``Built-from" slot with the arguments ``Generalizations Genl."  This would
be a new kind of slot, one which returned all generalizations of a concept
except its immediate generalizations; the call 
 would return

It is only a small extension to see how new
kinds of slot-combiners can be defined. For instance, one which took
two old slotnames as arguments, f and g, and defined a new slot which was
f$↑*\circ\,$g$\,\circ\,$f$↑*$, would be extremely useful (e.g., in database
searches).  In particular the crucial
slot ``Examples" is defined as Spec$↑*\circ\,$Immed-Exs$\,\circ\,$Spec$↑*$.

\noindent We have discussed
how a new slot {\it can} be defined; consider now how
a program is to know {\it when/how} to define a new one.
The new type of slot might be defined for purely
exploratory reasons (e.g., it's aesthetic to define ``first cousins'': the
specializations of the generalizations of a concept).  The slot's definition
might be based soundly upon need --- or the absence of need.  For example,
by monitoring usage, we might
notice that many concepts have a large number of entries for their {\:d F} slot,
and infer
that the {\:d F} slot should be specialized into several new slots.

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{\bf Summary:\  \sl
The previous section illustrated how a program might profit from knowledge
it gathered dynamically. This suggests that
rather than working on the given problem exclusively, 
a program may be better off to expend some
time {\it learning} (about the specific problem, its broader domain, or
problem-solving in
general).  Note this suggestion would encompass traditional education (being
told), empirical research (observing),
and theoretical exploration (predicting).
While such ``very high-level" problem-solving strategies typify human
problem-solvers (especially those of us who have
rationalized spending twenty or more years ``in school''), very few programs to date
have employed any of these forms of learning to improve their operation.}



{\bf Summary:\  \sl 
``Caching'' the results of computations can dramatically improve the
performance of many programs.  Reasoning can be brought to bear to decide
whether to cache, if so what to remember, and (later) whether or not to ignore 
the cached value and recompute it. We often refer differently to ``caching''
depending upon what it is that's being retained:
open-ended, inductive searches can be condensed in hindsight (i.e. cached)
into heuristics, deductive searches can be cached into much less branchy
subroutines can be cached into tables of frequently called arguments and
resultant values, and variable quantities have their value cached simply by
the process of binding.}


Hardware designers have long recognized 
the tremendous gain in efficiency affordable by {\it caching}: recording
a result, at least temporarily, in case it is called for again soon.
Here we consider an analogous technique: {\it software caching}.
The simplest case occurs just after computing F(x), for some
function F called with argument x: simply store the value returned.
Whenever F is later called, check first to see if a cached value is stored.

A more sophisticated kind of caching would involve saving
information about the {\it process} of computing F(x), the path that was
followed, the traps, the blind
alleys, the overall type of successful approach, etc.
The analogue in Search is to have the subtrees intercommunicate.

To illustrate the process of caching values,
consider again our old access,  
After computing
{\:d (PRIMES NUMBERS OBJECTS ANYTHING)} as the answer, Eurisko simply stores
that list as the value of the
 attribute of 
{\:d PRIMES.}
If the same call to
{\:d GET}
 is reissued, it
tries to access this very spot.  Though it had failed previously, it now would
succeed, and it would return the cached list almost instantly.  
Thus, with but a small one-time cost, our program might run as quickly as if
all slots were primitive.

Note that in originally 
computing Generalizations of Primes, it was necessary to call for
 and the value of this virtual slot was also
computed.  The Eurisko policy is to cache this value also. It is useful 
because, when a request such as 
 is received, it
would otherwise have to be recomputed all over again.  The definitions of
slots are very slowly --- if ever --- changing, hence the recomputation of
Defn of Generalizations is quite a rare event.  Caching that value must be
cost-effective in the long run.

In general, we see that caching a value for slot F of concept C is
most applicable when the value can be expected to vary quite infrequently.
In Eurisko, this gives us the flexibility to redefine a slot's definition
if we wish, but (since this change of representation
will be rare) the program will run just about as
efficiently as if that capability
were absent.  This is analogous to compiling: so long as the definition of
a function doesn't change too often, it's undisputedly worthwhile to compile

What happens if the value {\it does} change?  Eurisko handles this in a
passive manner: it doesn't attempt to maintain a completely consistent, up-to-date
knowledge base. Rather,
when a call on 
{\:d GET}
is executed, and a cached value is encountered, a
then determines
to accept that cache, or to ignore it and recompute a fresher value.
Each call on {\:d GET} is supplied with a few extra parameters
which specify how much cpu time and space are budgeted for this particular
function call,
whether the user may be queried about this,
how recent a cache must be to be acceptable, and
a minimum amount of resources which must have
been expended at the time the cache was written.

 would allow any cached
value to be accepted if it appeared that recomputing would take more than
200 milliseconds, or would use up more than 40 list cells, or if the value
had been put there less than three Tasks ago.
Otherwise, the cache would be ignored, a newer value would be computed, and
it would be stored away.  With it would also be recorded the following information:
(i) the fact that it was
a cached value, not a primitive one, (ii) how long it took to compute,
(iii) how many list cells it used up in computing this value, (iv) the current
Task number. The above call on 
{\:d GET}
 might result
in the following value being stored on the 
 slot of 
{\:d PRIMES:} \ \ \ 
{\:d (*cache* \  (PRIMES NUMBERS OBJECTS ANYTHING)  54  6  9).}

{\:d [At this point in [5] comes a discussion
contrasting our ideas with 
psychological ideas of economy.  Similarly omitted here is a lengthy section 
containing heuristics for
Storing and Updating cached values: when (not) to, how to, and what to.]}


{\bf Summary:\  \sl 
For efficiency's sake, an intelligent system should be willing and
able to add new facts, but should be {\it eager} to add surprising new facts.
Surprises can only be noticed by contrast with {\it expectations}, so an intelligent
system should maintain a context of expectations and filter incoming observations
against that.  Furthermore, expectations and surprises can aid an intelligent
system in comparing its model and processing of the domain to the real world.
Through such monitoring, discrepencies may be found and diagnosed, leading to
changes in the model making it more consistent with observed behavior. 
Such expectations can be used
to focus and filter intelligent processing.}


{\bf Summary:\  \sl We identified three characteristics
that serve the needs of intelligent adaptation.
First, we showed that most inferential systems can benefit
{\it learning}
about their task environment and their own behavior.  For example,
they can exploit new schemata or different slot-names to simplify and
restructure their knowledge.  Second, the need to explore large
search spaces with some repetitive regularity motivates the use of
{\it caching}
to save partial results.  We described a variety of techniques to
implement caching, and explained how caching specific results is
one of a spectrum of methods that can make trade-offs among precision,
speed, certainty, and generality.  The third dynamic capability
we identified was
{\it expectation-filtering.}
In general, intelligent systems need to exploit their knowledge about
typicality to reduce their cognitive load and increase their attention
to important data.  In many situations, we believe that expectations
can both reduce processing requirements for handling ordinary events
as well as simplify the identification of surprising events.  }


    In the years to come, AI programs will employ greatly expanded
knowledge bases and, as a consequence, they will explore increasingly
open-ended problem spaces.  Already, a few existing systems show signs
of having more potentially interesting things to do than they have
resources to pursue (e.g., AM, Eurisko).  In the past decades of
intelligent systems R&D, several design concepts have emerged in
response to contemporary needs for creating ever larger knowledge
bases.  For example, many researchers proposed multiple levels of
abstraction and automatic property inheritance as keystones of
efficiency or ``cognitive economy."  We believe that the value of such
mechanisms derives largely from their usefulness in describing initial
knowledge bases.  Once an intelligent system begins to explore the
consequences of its knowledge and to solve novel problems in a
dynamic environment, it needs to adapt its knowledge to achieve
faster and more profitable retrievals.

     A theory of cognitive economy
should explain why knowledge needs to be adapted and should prescribe
how to do it.  In this paper, we have tried to lay the groundwork for such a

    In conclusion, we have tried to show what cognitive economy
{\it is}
{\it is not.}
It does
{\it not}
consist of a set of static knowledge-base design principles, such
as those proposing taxonomic concept structures with automatic
property inheritance.  Rather, cognitive economy is a feature of
those intelligent systems that learn to solve problems efficiently
and consequently realize more of their lifetime potential.  Toward
that end, we have proposed an initial set of three basic design
characteristics.  We anticipate these characteristics will find
widespread application in many future AI systems.  As knowledge
bases expand and basic software obstacles are overcome, AI systems
will increasingly address the same question facing intelligent
humans:  ``What would I most like to accomplish next, and how can I do that



We wish to thank Dave Barstow, John Seely Brown, Bruce Buchanan, Ed Feigenbaum, 
Cordell Green, Greg Harris, Barbara
Hayes-Roth, Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, 
and Don Waterman for several discussions which have left their
mark in this paper.



%  \eightpoint

[1]  Balzer, R., Goldman, N., and Wile, D.  ``Informality in program
5IJCAI, Cambridge, 1977, 389-397.

[2]  Darlington, J. and Burstall, R. M.  ``A system which automatically improves
Stanford, 1973, 479-485.

[3]  Hayes-Roth, B. and Hayes-Roth, F.  ``Plasticity in memorial networks,"
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, {\bf 14},
1975, 506-522.

[4]  Lenat, D. B.  ``AM: an artificial intelligence approach to discovery in
mathematics as heuristic search," Memo AIM-286, Stanford AI Lab, 1976.

[5]  Lenat, D.B., Hayes-Roth, F., and Klahr, P., ``Cognitive Economy," Memo
HPP-79-15, Heuristic Programming Project, Computer Science Dept., Stanford
University, 1979; also issued as Rand Report N-1185, Rand Corporation, Santa
Monica, Ca., 1979.

[6]  Low, J. ``Automatic coding: choice of data structures," Memo AIM-242,
Stanford AI Lab, 1974.
